Admission Apply Now 2025 Click here to know more

Admission Apply Now 2025 Click here to know more

Interest Club
All Committee, ICT
Sr.No |
Committee |
Faculty In Charge |
1 | Sports Committee (SC) | Prof.Tejas Kadiya |
2 | Academic Committee (SAAC) | |
3 | Cultural Committee (CC) |
Prof.Sonam Singh Prof.Dharmesh Darji |
4 | Debate/ Elocution/ Essay/ Quiz Committee (DEQC) | |
5 | Student Publication Associations Committee (SPAC | |
6 | Science and Technology Committee (STC) |
1. Name of the Club: The name of the association shall be “Sports/Academic/Cultural /Debate/ Elocution/ Essay/ Quiz/Student Publication Associations/Science and Technology Committee:”
2. Office of the Club: The headquarters of the club shall be at the Institute of Computer Technology, Ahmedabad.
3. Area of Operation: the area of operation will be at college only.
4. Administration: The powers and responsibilities pertaining to the administration and management of the club will rest with ICT executive body
5. Objectives of the Association: The club shall have the following broadly classified objectives in the field of publication.
5.1Sports Committee (SC):
5.1.1 To look after the various sporting activities throughout the calendar year.
5.1.2 To maximize student participation in sports.
5.1.3Formulate a calendar for the various sports activities throughout the year
5.1.4 To create Cricket, Foot Ball, Basket ball, Badminton, Table Tennis facilities and teams.
5.1.5 To decide Captains.
5.1.6 To organize Intra and Inter class/college/department sports meet.
5.1.7To organize Yoga and meditation camps etc.
5.1.8 To create Adventure Sports Club.
5.1.9 To consult and discuss the progress of events with Student Coordinator
5.2Academic Committee (SAAC):
5.2.1 Convey the views, concerns, and problems, related to academics, of the student community to the institute administration.
5.2.2 To put their suggestions for academic improvement.
5.2.3 Organize activities that will enhance the academic aspects of student life in any and every possible way.
5.2.4 To consult and discuss the progress of events with Student Academic Affairs Committee (SAAC).
5.2.5 Any issues referred by the SAAC.
5.3 Cultural Committee (CC):
5.3.1 Foster an organizational culture that maximizes individual growth through expanded learning opportunities by organizing literary, dramatic, musical, and other cultural events.
5.3.2 To provide the platform for students to go beyond their academic quest and explore and artistic sensibilities.
5.3.3 To create Music, Dance, Dramatics, Fine arts club.
5.3.4 To organize the celebration of festivals to show unity of India.
5.3.5 Encouraging students to participate in other college festivals and other external events.
5.3.6 To consult and discuss the progress of events with Student coordinator.
5.3.7 To organize and manage an Annual Festival activities.
5.4 Debate/ Elocution/ Essay/ Quiz Committee (DEQC):
5.4.1 To organize Essay competition on frequent basis.
5.4.2 To organize Debate competition on frequent basis.
5.4.3 To organize Elocution Competition on frequent basis.
5.4.4 To organize Quiz competition on frequent basis.
5.4.5 To consult and discuss the progress of events with SAAC (Student Academic Affairs Committee)
5.4.6 Any issues referred by the SAAC.
5.5 Student Publication Associations Committee (SPAC):
5.5.1 To organize Popular/invited lectures of general interest
5.5.2 To organize the guest lecture for the personality development of student.
5.5.3 To create Discussion club for group discussion etc.
5.5.4 To plan for the Student's Magazine in Hindi and English.
5.5.5 To create Book lovers meet club.
5.5.6 To create Hobby club.
5.5.7 To consult and discuss the progress of events with SAAC.
5.6 Science and Technology Committee (STC):
5.6.1 To create Homepage and Web design Club
5.6.2 To create Astronomy Club.
5.6.3 To create Electronics club.
5.6.4 To create Programming club.
5.6.5 To create Movie and Photography club.
5.6.6 To consult and discuss the progress of events with SAAC.
6. Category of Membership:
6.1.0 The following shall be the categories of the member of the association:
6.1.1. Student Members
6.1.2 Faculty Members
6.1.3 Donor Member *(in case of cultural committee only)
6.2.0 The eligibility criteria for the membership of various categories shall be as follows:
6.2.1 Student Members: A graduate or a post graduate of the ICT.
6.2.2 Faculty Member: The faculty currently working in the ICT.
6.2.3 Those faculty members who have worked in the past in the Institute of Computer Technology, Ganpat university, will also be considered as eligible for the membership.*
6.2.3 Donor Members: Any individual or organisation who creates an endowment through donation or any sponsors who sponsor this event. *
7. Voting Rights:(*,+ in case of cultural and debate committee)
In general body meeting, only the following categories of members will have voting rights
I. Head
II. Faculty Members
III. Student Co-ordinator
8. Executive Body:
The executive body shall be constituted by the general body by nomination from amongst the members of the association. [SC/SAAC/CC/DEQC/SPAC/STC]
It shall consist of:
Head, ICT
Faculty-in-charge: To be appointed by Head, ICT
Student Co-ordinator: To be appointed by Faculty In-charge, ICT.
· President
· Vice President
· Joint Secretary
· Treasurer
· Six Other Members
8.1. All the above mentioned posts are to be nominated by Faculty In-charge.
8.2. If any vacancy occurs in the executive body, the same will be filled by the board of the management through co-option from amongst the members of the association. The member so co- opted will continue for the remaining term of the outgoing member on whose place he or she is placed or co-opted.
8.3. Any member of executive body who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the board management without the leave of absence from the president shall cease to be a member of the board of management.
8.4. The executive body will meet at least twice in a year. However, the president may call additional meetings as and when required.
8.5. Powers of the executive body:
8.5.1 To grant membership of all categories as per as clauses mentioned.
8.5.2 Assign duties, function to the office bearers of the association viz vice presidents, general secretary, joint secretary & treasurer.
8.5.3 To prescribe delegation of administrative & financial powers to different officials of the association viz President, Vice Presidents, General Secretary, and Joint Secretary & Treasurer.
8.5.4 To approve different programmes to be conducted on behalf of the associationand provide financial support to such programmes.
8.5.5 To submit annual report and annual accounts along with audit report to the General Body Meeting.
8.5.6 To accept donation, endowment from the donors, well-wishers etc.*
8.5.7 To appoint committees if needed to achieve the objectives of the association. However all such committees shall have at least one member from the CCC executive body.*
8.5.8 To approve funding for the activities to be conducted by the different Chapters of the Association.
8.5.9 To decide the mechanism of financial arrangements to be made between Headquartersand the Chapters in terms of receipt and expenditure.
8.5.10 Toappoint administrative staff for the Association and decide their remuneration as per rules/bylaws.
8.6. The minutes of the meetings of the General Body and the Executive Body of the Association shall be maintained by the General Secretary of the Association. The minutes shall be circulated to all members
8.7. All decisions will be taken by majority of vote and in case of equality of vote the president will have a casting vote
9. General Body: Members of all categories shall form the general body of the association.
8.1 The executive body will normally meet twice in a year on the notice issued by the General Secretary at least three weeks before the date of the meeting. The meeting will be chaired by the President or in his absence it will be chaired in the sequential orders of the office bearers.
8.2 The executive body shall have the powers to approve the rules & regulations of the Association.
10. Accounting Year: The financial of the Association shall be from 1st April to 31st March of the next year.
11. Privileges of the Members of the Association. The privileges to be enjoyed to be enjoyed by the members of the association will be decided by the SSAC executive body of Association from time to time.
12. Expulsion from membership. Any member found guilty of derogatory conduct may be expelled by two third vote of the SSAC. However reasonable opportunity shall be given to such member(s) to defend his/her case before taking any final decision in such matters.
13. Winding or Merging Up. The association can be wound up or merged with another similar body.