Admission Apply Now 2025 Click here to know more

Admission Apply Now 2025 Click here to know more

The Institute
The rise in ‘real-world’ research and ‘learning by doing’ education has generated exciting opportunities with the potential to shift higher education culture at Institute of Computer Technology (ICT) under the Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Ganpat University. ICT’s provision for world class teaching and research is bolstered by an active engagement of industry experts. The Industry-Institute-Integration has resulted in ‘industry collaborated/sponsored courses’ and setting up number of sponsored labs.
In a fast changing world, technology is changing faster than our lives. Latest technologies are being adopted as an integral part of the world; determining greater employability of young engineers. As a continued effort to offer the Programs-of-Future, Ganpat University provides an exclusive opportunity to the engineering aspirants to join Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in association with IBM.
The Objectives :
Our spirituous efforts are directed towards leading our student community to such an acme of technical excellence that can satisfy the requisition of the industry, the nation and the globe at large.The keys behind technical excellence are research and innovations and the implementers are the corporate,with ever increasing focus on making the institute and industry interface more effective today.
The generation of an entirely different community of students aiming at attaining technical expertise and utilizing the technical know-how in the service of mankind is at the root of our efforts with objectives :
a.) To build an educational institute of excellence where students will graduate as invaluable assets to industry, society, and the world with collaborative learning,research and innovations.
b.) To exercise the pedagogies for engineering education that creates dynamic and self motivated graduates with capacities for lifelong learning, problem solving relating technology to society at large.