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Policy for Director General Awards for Student Achievements

Policy for Director General Awards for Student Achievements

1.    Purpose of procedures

These procedures outline the selection criteria and basis for the awarding of DG’s Medals, which recognize outstanding achievements by students of GNU who have:

made a distinguished contribution to the local or wider community, and/or brought exemplary recognition to Institute/University, and

achieved a high level of academic performance and scholarly work, as well as significant contributions to the profession, discipline, Institute, and/or University and service to the community

2.    Eligibility Criteria

2.1 DG’s Medals are awarded in recognition of academic excellence together with exceptional achievements (Research, Sports, Innovation, Start-Ups, etc) and Community Service.

2.2 Nominations for the DG's Medal may be made by any staff member of the University, by another student, or by a member of GNU Alumni. A student cannot self-nominate.

2.3 Nominations need to meet the following criteria:

2.3.1 The nominee clearly demonstrates a distinguished contribution to the University and/or the community which is above and beyond any requirements of their award of degree.

2.3.2 The nominee has achieved a high level of academic performance. The student would generally need to achieve a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of no less than 6.5 to be considered. 

2.3.3 The nominee has completed at least half of their graduating program of study at GNU.

2.3.4 The nominee has not previously been awarded a DG's Medal.

2.4 A recipient of the DG's Medal is also eligible for the award of a University or Faculty Medal.

3.    Nomination

3.1 At the end of each Study Period, after results have been finalized, the Registrar will call for nominations for the award of a DG's Medal.
3.2 A list of all graduating students will be forwarded to the Deans. This list will consist of graduates with:

a CGPA of at least 6.5, or a Research Degree

3.3 The Deans are responsible for ensuring that strong nominees for this award are identified and appropriate nominations made within the timeframe.

3.4 Nominations for the DG's Medal may be made by any staff member of the University, by another student, or by a member of the University Alumni. A student cannot self-nominate.

3.5 Nominations will require information to be provided by the nominator and by the nominee. It will be the nominator's responsibility to ensure that sufficient detail is provided for the selection panel to make an informed decision.

4. Notification

A letter will be prepared on behalf of the DG advising the nominee/s of their successful selection.

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